David Fulton

My Family
Greetings from Le Roy, Illinois! My name is David and I joined the Compass Insurance Partners Producer team in 2020. Le Roy, and its surrounding communities, provide diverse business cultures and offerings that support everyone in different ways. Planning for the unexpected can be a daunting task, but I am here to provide a roadmap that can help you, and your family, for the unexpected obstacles in life. I enjoy helping folks with their everyday insurance needs.
In addition to personal needs, I focus on fire protection districts and farm policies. My volunteer fire career started in 2015 and continued when I joined the Le Roy Community Fire Department in 2017. In 2019 I received my Illinois Basic Operations Firefighter certification with the Illinois State Fire Marshal in conjunction with Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) to better serve my community, fellow members and insured fire protection districts.
With agriculture roots, you can usually find me in my “free time” helping my in-laws with their farming operation, playing music, or finding the next animal species to add to our hobby farm. I grew up in a 4-H family, where my brothers (one twin, one older) and I had projects in sheep production and rabbits. As active outdoorsmen, we helped our dad manage his Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) acres where we would harvest pheasants, deer and doves.
My wife, Rachel (Hoeft), works actively in the agriculture industry with farmers providing one-on-one assistance to better efficiency and the economic bottom line on customers’ farming businesses. Rachel and I hope to teach our daughters, Caroline and Daisy, about the importance agriculture and how it runs our daily lives providing fuel, fiber, and food.


Caroline and I during harvest


Fire Training

Prescribed Fire Burn

The Legend of Levi Morgan at State Pheasants Forever Meeting